属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madame de Bovary
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-无视重力的漂浮滑板
1 | “转舵!”船长命令道。 | "Fall away !" The captain ordered | |
2 | 但这孩子经过几周的痛苦折磨后,却感染了坏疽,他的腿不得不截去。霍梅的名誉没有受到损害,因为他的职业只是一名药剂师;但作为医生的包法利却因此受到人们的怀疑。他的业务开始衰落下去了。 | But after weeks of torment, the boy contracted gangrene, and his leg had to be amputated. Homais’ reputation was undamaged, for he was by profession a chemist, but Bovary, a doctor, was looked upon with suspicion. His practice began to fall away . | |
3 | 回落跌落;衰退或消减 | To fall away or back;decline or recede. | |
4 | 他的荣华一下子变得一钱不值,好像一些碎布片似的从他身上脱落下去了。 | His grandeurs were stricken valueless; they seemed to fall away from him like rotten rags | |
5 | 他的支持者开始疏远他了。 | His supporters began to fall away from him. | |
6 | 他们只是他快乐时的朋友,在他有难时必将疏远他。 | They had only been the companions of his pleasures and would be the surest to fall away in affliction | |
7 | 天堂--所有尘世的弊病都将消失的地方。 | Paradise, where all their earthly infirmities would fall away | |
8 | 一个真正的革命者在危急关头绝不背弃革命。 | A true revolutionary should never fall away in time of danger | |
9 | 在危急关头,大家就能捐弃前嫌,同心协力. | In a crisis,old prejudices fall away and everyone works together. | |
10 | 他说,“想象一下地震来了,早期预警打开警报系统,楼房的支座收回去,大楼开始悬浮。地震停止后,支座重新升起,大楼里的人们甚至不知道发生了地震。” | "Imagine there’s an earthquake and the early warning turns on the warning systems and the supports fall away as the building starts to hover. The shaking stops, the supports return, and no one in that room or in that building ever knew there was an earthquake." | |
11 | “无疑,在这95家企业中,一些企业将会放弃。” | "Clearly, of the 95, some companies will fall away . " he said. | |
12 | 此用例产生可用于上诉的货币文件,并传送给原告;向用户界面职员复制。 | This use case generates an appealable monetary document, which is mailed to the claimant; fall away or copy goes to UI staff. | |
13 | 但是摩根大通的一位执行官指出,更大的问题是:如果贝尔史登董事会建议一个竞争出价,这个担保就会失效。 | But the bigger problem, according to a JPMorgan executive, was that the guarantee would fall away if Bear’s board recommended a rival bid. | |
14 | 但他心里没有根,不过是暂时的,及至为道遭了患难,或是受了逼迫,立刻就跌倒了。 | But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away . | |
15 | 而女人排卵之后,无论是那种期望还是钟爱,大脑似乎都变得毫无准备了。 | After ovulation, the brain’s readiness for both desire and enjoyment seems to fall away . | |
16 | 巨大的红太阳开始降落,沃尔泰拉的夜色开始笼罩这处风景。 | A gigantic red sun began to fall away as the shadow of the Volterran night crept over the scene. | |
17 | 明天,我们的交易价值可能又猛涨,而几天之内又可能因为今天我们谁也不能预知的原因而跌落。 | Tomorrow, our trading value could soar again and within days, fall away for factors that none of us can predict with certainty today. | |
18 | 上辊万能式三辊卷板机机架翻倒装置液压系统 | The Design of the Hydraulic System for Machine Frame Fall Away Set of Upper Three-Roller Universal Steel Plant Beading Machine | |
19 | 他们那郁郁不乐、争斗、备受打击的面孔几乎完全超脱于时间之外,犹如在逃离现实,回到“人生之初”去。 | And time seemed, nearly, to fall away from sullen, belligerent, battered faces, as though they were fleeing back to their first condition. | |
20 | 西姆西可先生称:现在这9%的通货膨胀率在很大程度上是由一些暂时性的因素造成的,而到了明年,这些因素就会消失。 | Mr Simsek claims that today’s 9% inflation rate is in large part due to temporary factors that will fall away next year. | |
21 | 一旦我们理解了私有法律系统运行的基础,那么通往一个真正自由社会的一般性障碍就开始逐渐移除了。 | Once we understand the basics of how a private legal system could work, the typical objections to a truly free society begin to fall away . | |
22 | 这也意味着不以此为目标的公司和经理人们将迅速被政府抛弃。 | Managers or companies that were not up to this task were swiftly meant to be allowed to fall away . | |
23 | 主题是朝向天体爱好者俱乐部的一扇门在我身后关闭着,不只是我脱掉衣服这么简单。 | The theme that emerged was that as the gate to a nudist club closed behind me, more than my clothes would fall away . |